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Real Results:

Geographic AAPs to Functional AAPs

Global Consulting Firm

Over 50 U.S. Office Establishments



This organization's growth has been propelled through several mergers and acquisitions. The firm is now comprised of more than 20 related yet distinct businesses, most of which span multiple locations across the U.S.

Geographic AAPs were not aligned with company structure. Large numbers of plans made this approach unwieldy and expensive.

A Functional AAP (FAAP) approach to federal contractor compliance made strategic and financial sense for this employer.


Working with Talent and HR leaders at the client, Arbor redesigned the AAP architecture to transition it from geographic plans to a Functional AAP structure for all U.S. employees. Arbor then wrote and submitted the FAAP petition to OFCCP and interacted with FAAP leadership at OFCCP to achieve approval.

Arbor continues to manage the FAAP approval process by submitting required updates and acting as the point of contact with the Agency's FAAP office. As the organization has continued to merge and acquire other businesses, the FAAP design allows for ease of integration.


The firm has reduced its compliance burden by shrinking the number of AAPs prepared from upwards of 50 geographic plans to 15 FAAPs.

The FAAP structure mirrors the business structure, so that AAP results are useful tools to business leaders, rather than a confusing, jumble of unrelated data.

The limited number of AAPs and a more streamlined approach has generated cost and time savings for this large employer.

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